30 May 2013

Ra Ra the Rabbit

Ra Ra the Rabbit
I open the door to come home and first I see...

the rain clouds rolling in 

and a rabbit on the blue table,

staring at me.

Too paranoid to move, he'll give me the sideways stare

until a peel is offered or a mint leaf waved in the air.

but it's clear he gets lonely and will hop up and smell,

then lounge near the strumming with feet back and tail.


Mother's Day and Mr. Yi's Bday

Jessica's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Yi invited me to have Mother's day dinner with the family.  I got to meet Jessica's cousins, grandma, uncles, and aunts while enjoying new foods and practicing my Chinese.   Erg, months of study and I'm still a deer in headlights when some of them  started talking.   Jess said, they just weren't clear speakers. That must be it. Thanks, Jess.  ;)

Amazing cured meat, cucumber, pita sandwich things. 

The fam fam getting their chow down

Nathaniel and Jess <3 

Peace @ the "kid's table"

Laughter @ the married w/kids table! 

Surprisingly delicious jelly, chocolate, cream cake w/kiwi on top! 

A cute stray seeking shelter from the rain

These are photos from Mr. Yi's birthday.  We went to a nice restaurant with a set menu.  We got to try many different dishes. 
First course w/ shot of aloe vera juice, yum. 

Nathaniel and Jess 

Awkward Sibling Pic

Slightly better sibling pic, sort of

2nd course, beef jelly w/ pineapple, tomatoes

Me, Mr. Yi, Mrs. Yi, Jess's bro, Jess's bro's gf, Jess, Bro

Main course: duck! It was perfectly cooked, melt in your mouth goodness. 

Waiting for desert 

Mr. Yi's b-day cake complete with mini ears and embarrassing singing :) 

"happy birthday"

The geges
Back at Jess' house including Chou Chou in the celebration.  

26 May 2013

My Cat's Babies

My Cat's Babies 

I've learned a lot from my class this year and enjoy their company.  They are, after all, the people I spend the most time with.  Making an effort to enjoy the people you work with is vital to keeping your days from becoming very LONG.   So, I have been making more of an effort to give them more play time so we can enjoy each other.  And because I believe that play time should not be separate from learning time but a crucial part of it and that all children need to play, especially these children.  :)  

Last week we went to the park as a reward for their high test scores and played tag.  It was great.   This week, we are using at least 45 minutes each day to work on building a shoebox house.  They are enjoying it and so am I because I like the quietness that creeps into our room when every little pair of hands is at work and minds are engaged.  

Here are some pictures of the works in progress.  

Making their "fantasy homes" 

Today's question, "Where is your house?"  Brian quickly answered, "In the sky" so his house has got wings. 

Sweet Dora, has made a home for a cat. 

Emily getting things just right for the rabbit, dog and cat to live in. 

Official documentation of Benjamin having fun at school. 

Kending/Spring Scream Music Fesitval

Kending, Spring Scream Festival 2013

To celebrate both Children's Day and Tomb Sweeping Day, my Chinese learning buddies and I took advantage of classless/jobless days to head down the coast to the land of the South.  Here, you can literally see the edges of the coast wrap around our tiny island body.  Kending is the closest town and it is mostly set up for the vacationist looking to catch a little R&R.  There's a killer long night market with yummy fried stuff, including the ever tempting "fried oreo."  And a pretty reliable bus to take you from the festival to the town for food.  There is also an amazing National Park with hikes that offer a great view of the coastline.  Kending is in itself a beautiful and fascinating place to spend time.  I recommend "bai sha" beach for swimming and snorkeling.  If you go, bring your googles because there are some seriously colorful fish down there! 

We were lucky enough to be there for the Spring Scream Music Festival which was both artsy and surrounded by nature, perfect. 

Southern tip of Tawian

Spring Scream Festival, day 1. Listening to Palestinian artists through a live feed, pretty cool. 

Having fun with Tiff's underwater camera! 

Tizzy Bac live! 

Hammocks, tents and an inflatable pool at the festival.  Love this chill, laid back vibe. 

Great campground in walking distance of the festival and near the bus stop to Kending.  Also, across the street from a beautiful beach! 

Getting our paint on in a messy, late night fashion. 

Van taxi rides/going to Bai Sha Beach and enjoying the ride with some Top 40 hits.   

Tina and me being mermaids for an afternoon. 

Our group at the campground, pre-festival

Getting a yummy dinner, day 3 when we're starting to loose steam and miss our beds. 

Strike a pose...baby unicorn it is.

Bai Sha beach, good sand, waves, music, food. 

Entrance/Exit of festival .
Alas, all good things must come to an end.    Once again, sacrificing a few daily comforts and conveniences to be outside more than inside, dance, and have adventures with awesome people was worth it!  
It took me a few days to come down from the Kending high.  Here's a little poem about that return to Taipei. 

The Return

The return from our 4 day trip to the beach,
where we felt the tide wet our legs and then recede,
has left me dried out. 
Like too much sun and salt and nudity 
has cured the muscle of my heart
into a swiveled, lesser form 
that will only be made blood filled and pumping
after the gradual familiarization with the land locked life,
or perhaps,  
by our imminent return to the place where time spins shells into sand.