26 May 2013

My Cat's Babies

My Cat's Babies 

I've learned a lot from my class this year and enjoy their company.  They are, after all, the people I spend the most time with.  Making an effort to enjoy the people you work with is vital to keeping your days from becoming very LONG.   So, I have been making more of an effort to give them more play time so we can enjoy each other.  And because I believe that play time should not be separate from learning time but a crucial part of it and that all children need to play, especially these children.  :)  

Last week we went to the park as a reward for their high test scores and played tag.  It was great.   This week, we are using at least 45 minutes each day to work on building a shoebox house.  They are enjoying it and so am I because I like the quietness that creeps into our room when every little pair of hands is at work and minds are engaged.  

Here are some pictures of the works in progress.  

Making their "fantasy homes" 

Today's question, "Where is your house?"  Brian quickly answered, "In the sky" so his house has got wings. 

Sweet Dora, has made a home for a cat. 

Emily getting things just right for the rabbit, dog and cat to live in. 

Official documentation of Benjamin having fun at school. 

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