20 July 2013

Green Island part 2

Day 3: Picnic and Prison

Pack up, screen up...
Roll out!

Gleb and Fernando said they had a surprise for us...

they discovered the perfect spot for our picnic! 

Gleb, the fearless Russian, who led us to the place of picnic. 

Picnic Time! 

Post Picnic Relax! 

Our view!  We love Green Island! 

A distant shot of us
Finding our spot 

Enjoying our spot..
in so many 
 different way.

Tom's amazing panoramic shot!

Day 3: Afternoon 
Re Education Camps/Prison

Gleb, Tom and Tiff in a somber mood 

Photographer: Tom Mahoney 

Trying to understand and timeline what happened here.
Photographer: Tom Mahoney 

Fernando walking where the prisoners walked. 
Post prison lighthouse swim to "clear our heads"

Very tired group of foreigners getting some dinner, one piece at a time. 

Final Day: Back to Taipei
Last Sunrise 
We Came! 

We Saw! 
We conquered! 

Wonderful people 
Train back to Taipei 

08 July 2013

Green Island (綠島) part I

Our epic journey to Green Island began as they always do, in the checkered foyer of the train station.  In a circle, we snack and strum and wait for everyone to arrive. 
Our awesome group!: Fernanado (Espana!), Beth (UK), Tiff (Vancouver), Tom (UK), Gleb (Russia), Angela (San Jose, California), Me (NC, USA) Photographer: Tina (Italy) 

Took the train to Taidong (台東) then waited, feet up and tried to make plastic comfortable.
Me, Gleb, Beth, Tina

Friends + coffee + Book = Everything's alright.
Tiffany and Angela organized our trip! They are awesome friends and Cat's teachers.

We found kittens at the train station!

At the dock, we bought straw hats and made a fairly accurate Charlie's Angels.

Tiff, Tina and Angela dreaming of what Green Island will be like. Angela's face foreshadows the doom awaiting her leg.

Getting to our hostel in style.

Our lovely hostel by the sea.  Photo: Tom Mahony

 Day 1: Explore the Island on Mopeds
Time to explore the entire island!  It took a little over an hour!  

Angela and Tom take their responsibility as moped drivers seriously. 

Angela and I heed warnings with utmost caution.  Don't want to kill any of these angel animals!  

Tina and I explore the rocks and "swallow cave" 

Beth, Tina and I climb to the top of the cliffs in search of more wild goats. 
Gleb and Tom safely reach the bottom

Beth and I reach the bottom

First Green Island group picture! No sand in sight.

We sweaty and hungry. 

Day 2: Beach and Snorkel!

"The Dainty" 

Angela and "the dainty"
DaBaisha Beach!

How the aqua-phobia Taiwanese snorkel (one long rope, life jackets, full wet suits and floatation rings in water that is not over your head).

How we snorkeled! 
A live starfish!
A sandy beachl! 

More Sandy Beach! 

Post breakfast shot. Bellies contain eggs, sausage, toast and ORANGE MARMALADE!  
Flying Fish, meet Beth. 
 More flying fish waiting to meet Beth.

Lunch with Flying fish and Guava Juice. 

An amazing lunch with amazing people. 

Day 2: Hike and Goat Meeting

Me and Beth posing with a pond

First overlook 
A view of our hostel from the hike
View from the top

Hot "unicorns" at the top of the mountain


Celebratory hike posing continues..

The Goat Story 

A girl sees a lonely goat by the blue sea

Clearly, he wanted to be friends


A little aggressive but keepin' it cool
Then I know his friendship was all pretend.  He just wants me for my hat!