20 July 2013

Green Island part 2

Day 3: Picnic and Prison

Pack up, screen up...
Roll out!

Gleb and Fernando said they had a surprise for us...

they discovered the perfect spot for our picnic! 

Gleb, the fearless Russian, who led us to the place of picnic. 

Picnic Time! 

Post Picnic Relax! 

Our view!  We love Green Island! 

A distant shot of us
Finding our spot 

Enjoying our spot..
in so many 
 different way.

Tom's amazing panoramic shot!

Day 3: Afternoon 
Re Education Camps/Prison

Gleb, Tom and Tiff in a somber mood 

Photographer: Tom Mahoney 

Trying to understand and timeline what happened here.
Photographer: Tom Mahoney 

Fernando walking where the prisoners walked. 
Post prison lighthouse swim to "clear our heads"

Very tired group of foreigners getting some dinner, one piece at a time. 

Final Day: Back to Taipei
Last Sunrise 
We Came! 

We Saw! 
We conquered! 

Wonderful people 
Train back to Taipei 

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