10 April 2013

St. Patrick's Day @ Cat's + Spring Banquet

So, while in the States, I received an e-mail asking for an RSVP to the Annual Wine Spring Banquet for March 2013.  Wine....Spring.....Banquet, why yes all those words sounds good to me.  I soon learned that the Wine Spring Banquet was a ginormous lunch with the entire Cat's employee force (headquarters staff, graphic designers, teachers, bus drivers, staff, cooks, etc.) It was quite a room full and lots of yummy dishes, soups, salted popcorn shrimp, vegetables, tofu and free WINE to pass the afternoon!

The lunch began with the director from each branch lip singing a Queen rock song while wearing crazy outfits and wigs. It was entertaining and our director, Daisy, has such a positive, fun attitude about everything it was hard not to whoop and holler with her on the stage.  

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing lottery games.  Lottery Bingo, lottery scratch offs, lucky draws and finally putting bills in a giant plastic bin with our phone numbers written (in pencil) on each bill that was "ours".  At the end, the owner drew a bill, called the number and the winner got all the money inside which was over $2,000 USD!  We all anxiously cradled our cell phones in palm and waited for the call.  A Taiwanese bus driver won which was perfect because he was super humble about it and probably has a family. 

There were i pads given away and at the end, everyone got a portable cell phone charger.  Not too shabby.  But the lottery games were a bit bizarre to me.  Almost like giving away one big jack pot to thank the staff instead of giving everyone a smaller bonus.  Interesting way of doing it!  I didn't win anything and spent about $20 getting there because I got lost 4 times and didn't trust my cab driver but HEY, it's not about the money, right?!  It's about the people and it's about the free wine. :) 

Eason and Eva double check their lottery tickets. 

Edward wins!  not really, he just likes looking cool in pictures. 
The best staff!  They help me with SO much!

In the world of Photographic Accent Posing things can get out of hand fast.  I am not sure why I chose "I love you" in this moment nor why Charles is crying as Garrett goes for the "cute dimple."  

The Cat's gang after winning little to no money and drinking lots of free wine. 

Edward and Garrett, two of the most fun, laid back teachers at our school. 

Here are pictures from our St. Patrick's Day green ice cream extension activity + Field trip to an Ice Cream shop where we sampled wasabi ice cream, chicken ice cream and other weirdness that made my stomach hurt later.  When I tried to explain my stomach hurt from the Wasabi ice cream, Dora shouted, "Ahhh Teacher Sarah, you have baby?!?" in the sweetest most excited voice.  Sorry, Dora. nope.

Green Ice Cream!  Dora is in front.

At the ice cream shop. 

After reading the story, "Miss Jill's ice cream Shop" at least a dozen times we got to go to a local ice cream shop with a sweet old lady scooping out the most bizarre flavors. 

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