10 April 2013

Taipei in the Spring

 Warm weather, shorts and flower blossoms greeted me in Taipei upon my return from the  States.  It was like magic stepping out into the bright heat from my coat wearing, snow flurried North Carolina trip.  In a white linen top and sandals I rode my black beach bike to work.  Weaving in and out of traffic and forgetting where I was.  It took time to bring myself back down, get serious and teach.
Sadly, I was not Corinne Bailey Rae .  This was not a music video.  
Here's a bit of the "magic" that swept through Taipei this March.  As the rainy months of April and May come upon us, the swirling heat wave of March feels all the more sweet.
My neighbor's bulbs that are grown by one and enjoyed by many. 

I loved these gorgeous, orange blossoms that dropped for about a week all over the sidewalk and street, like waiting for a procession that never happened.  Then, loads of bikes and pedestrians  slowly trampled them to squishy, brown pools.
People are starting to buy bouquets for their homes and cradle them on the MRT . 

Saw this serene man on the MRT and thought he was just the cutest. Enjoying his flower and getting a snooze in before his stop.

Taipei is nothing without these two! 

Vietnames Pho makes everything better!  I love Jingmei night market! 

Jingmei night market happened to be honoring a god the night of our Vietnamese Pha eating and we were pleasantly ambushed by this parade on our way home.  

I love this picture because I picked these thistle blossoms while running thinking they were flowers.  The sat dormant for many days but I didn't throw them out.  Suddenly, overnight they popped open into the cutest little thistles.  I also love this picture because of the sweet smiles of my dear friends in the background.  Relationships renew and grow and get sweeter with time.  So thankful for growth (all kinds)! 

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